Petal Pointillism #5
Matted signed and limited edition print of "Petal Pointillism #5". Overall size of mat is frame-ready at 8"x10". Image is 5"x7".
This is another of Marcia's fantastical visual essays on Ecotopia. The work is in a style Marcia first introduced in 2018 of which she describes as “Organic Collage.” That term became a defining characteristic of our art.
This composition was created on the penultimate day of the Summer of 2020. The sky was assembled from Ageratum “Tall Blue”, Dahlias “Mystic Spirit” and “Phantom of the Opera”, Calendula “Remembrance Mix”, Abyssinian Gladiola, flowers from several varieties of Hosta and an unknown wildflower found in our backyard.
The landscape was designed using Hosta “Royal Standard”, Hydrangea Leaves, Swiss Chard “Oriole Orange”, Rosemary “Tuscan Blue”, Thyme, Lettuce “Forellenschluss” and Flowers of Basil “Blue Spice” and “Rosie.”
This is how you can #GrowYourOwnArt within your own vision of Ecotopia